Humor / Motherhood

You May Be A Parent If…


Parenting can sometimes feel thankless, lonely and just plain hard.

But the great thing is, so many people have gone through this already and I’ve found it can really help a rough day to read another parent’s humor.

We have a lot in common.

I’m going to fill this post with some of my favorite parenting quotes. If you can relate, or if one makes you laugh then the day was just made better!

“The quickest way for a parent to get their child’s attention is to sit down and look comfortable.”

Lane Olinghouse


“You can learn many things from your children. How much patience you have, for example.”


Recipe for iced coffee

1. Have kids

2. Make coffee

3. Forget you made coffee

4. Drink it cold


“Some children threaten to run away from home. This is all that keeps some parents going.”

Phylis Diller


“Why do the children walk right past their father sitting on the couch and come bang on the shower door for me to open a fruit snack?”


“Silence is golden… Unless you have a toddler, and then it’s just very very suspicious.”


“Sometimes I stare at my sleeping children completely in awe of their beauty… And other times I slam dunk them into bed and celebration dance all the way down the hall.”


“We don’t eat things we find in the couch!” …is, apparently, something I say now.


“People who say they sleep like babies usually don’t have them.” Leo J Burke


“If you have four kids you will spend the next ten years wiping butts that do not belong to you.”


“When I was little I laughed when my mom crossed her legs when she sneezed… I no longer find that funny.”


“I always thought I’d be a patient mom and then I watched my son try to zip his own jacket.”


“Parenting is having your kids reject everything you cook and then watching the 2 year old eat a dog treat and ask for another.” Paige Kellerman


Go and parent with joy and humor! It will keep you young amidst the craziness.

4 thoughts on “You May Be A Parent If…

  1. Oh my! They all spoke to me!
    There was an expectant mother who said she was ready to be un-expectant but not ready for a newborn.
    A mom-to-be in labor for 13 hours was dozing when she suddenly awoke and began to get out of bed. She said, “This kid hasn’t come yet, I’m going home!” After the dad-to-be and nurse quit stifling their laughter, they got the doctor! Kid was born an hour later.
    After being changed, nursed, sung to and rocked through two feeding times, this particular newborn still would not go to sleep. Just happy to look around until his Mom burst into tears due to complete frustration. The baby looked wide-eyed at her and promptly fell asleep!
    Those also made me laugh.

    1. Loved these Aunt Sheri! They brought a smile to my day. I can especially relate to the one about being ready to be un-expectant but not have a newborn yet. 🙂

  2. You got it! It really does help to look for the humor in the craziness of humanity’s actions. It starts young and doesn’t have to be taught! Thanks for a good laugh!

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