Children / Motherhood

Life With a Newborn

Having a newborn means –

*trying to sleep, but you’re so tuned in to the baby that every grunt wakes you up.

*feeling extremely hungry because of breastfeeding, but hardly able to manage eating at mealtimes while serving the toddler more pickles for the 538894th time and juggling a wailing newborn who seems to be hungry the exact same time as everyone else.

*playing with those adorable little baby feet and feeling so full of blessings.

*sitting on the couch rocking the baby and trying not to think of all the things that really shouldn’t get put off one more day.

*walking around feeling a bit befuddled because of exhaustion and craving caffeine and sugar because of it, but you know you shouldn’t indulge if you ever hope to lose that baby weight.

*smelling that baby smell and wishing he would stay tiny longer.

*hearing the three year old holler from the bathroom that they need wiped, but the toddler just stubbed her toe and is wailing, and you’re already feeding the baby, and he just spit up.

*melting over the chubby rolls that develop and the little double chin that means he’s growing well.

*tears and overwhelm threatening throughout the day, while the next minute you feel as though you just might actually have this.

*being unable to fall asleep at night because you just can’t get enough of those rounded cheeks, and perfect ears, and tiny little hands.

Amid the exhaustion and adjustment and wishing you had at least four more hands, there is also this amazing sense of wonder and love and how utterly worth it everything is for the sake of this sweet sweet baby.

Such a strange mixture of the hard and the wonderful, like many seasons in life.
What season are you in right now?

9 thoughts on “Life With a Newborn

  1. All of these and milion of other stuff! It’s amazing how you life changes, isn’t it? I remember having everything planned and organized before baby’s arrival but then… life happened. Although I was strict about sleep training since the very beginning. We used HWL sleep training from here: and I was extremely satisfied. I always knew I wanted to have my intimacy with husband back as soon as possible and that helped pretty quickly!

    1. Thank you Vickyfor sharing the link. I thought nothing would help. I got Susan Urban’s sleep training ebook and within a week it worked wonders. I was sure that I wouldn’t decide to have more kids, but I changed my mind because a child’s sleep doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Now I know it.

  2. Aww congratulations on your sweet baby! I loved having babies.. I had 6! All of them are adults now except my little 7 year old.

  3. Bless your heart, I wish I could come help you for a day. 😊 Right now I’m growing twins (20.5 weeks) and trying to keep after my almost 2 year old!

  4. YES, this all rang too true. That was me, 7 months ago. Now my used-to-be- tiny little baby is eating food like a big girl, walking with a walker, and climbs stairs- at 8 months!!

  5. This sounds all too familiar. The details are different but I’m just coming out of the first trimester and the children seem to have missed me and are super needy, the one year old is into everything… I feel like we’re not in a sweet spot sibling relationship- wise but then, every day, someone says or does something so adorable. Like last night the 2 year old was calling from his crib “Anyone talking? I thirsty” and then you laugh in the dead of night:)

    1. Feels like just a little while ago I was there too, just getting over the morning sickness with lots of catch up to do. This too shall pass!

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