
We’re Building Again!

Tom and Cheryl Burkholder are here visiting from PA for two weeks. Last summer they bought the parcel of land next to ours and hope to move up next spring, so Andy and Tom have been working hard this week to help put a lane in to each property.

With the skid steer, Andy has been clearing trees and brush to prepare our new house site and clear a spot for the septic. The septic tank and pipes got put in today, and hopefully digging the foundation for the house will get done in the next couple days!

We bought that property last July, so it has been a whole year of waiting and dreaming. It’s so exciting to see things start to happen!

Our plan is to put in the basement and finish it out while we’re renting, and then move into the basement while we build the rest of the house, Lord willing.

But for now we’re just rejoicing at small increments of progress and I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited about a septic system before!

The lane going into our property
Andy spreading out the gravel
Cheryl and I have been taking lunch to the guys so we can see the progress

4 thoughts on “We’re Building Again!

  1. Such great progress on your site. Stopped in today and the sun was shining beautifully and the moon has been full and bright the last few nights shining on your basement area. 🙂 Blessings on all the efforts and may all the pieces come together smoothly. 🙂 <3

  2. Wow, I went to church with the Jesse Burkholder family decades ago. Amazing how people pop up years later.

  3. Looks exciting! This Tom Burkholder isn’t the same one I know is he? Is his dad Jesse Burkholder who started Burkholder’s Country Market in Center County?

    God’s blessing to you as you continue to build and prepare! I would love to travel to AK and see your place and lots of other things in AK i haven’t seen yet. Sure would be fun, but it won’t happen for a long, long time.

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