Children / Daily Life / Motherhood

How My Morning Went

There were breakfast dishes to wash, and toys strewn across the floor. Laundry glared at me from the line up in the loft – it’s been clean for a couple days now and still isn’t put away. My oldest begged me to help him with his school workbook while my youngest grabbed me around the knees, mouth open, crying.

I picked her up and felt her burgeoning gums – sure enough, the tips of a molar were breaking through surface. Poor baby.

I started the water for dishes and pulled a chair up to the counter for her to splash while she ‘helped’ me rinse.

The phone rang. I glanced at the number. ‘Oh good,’ I thought. ‘Looks like a telemarketer. This will be quick.’

But no, it was a call informing me that someone in Australia had gotten my credit card info and was spending thousands of dollars in stores I had never heard of. I had to listen to the five transactions several times before I came to the option of talking to someone about shutting down the card.

Meanwhile Oscar wanted to go outside and asked me loudly for his sandals. When I could not focus on the phone conversation and find them, he cried while I felt frustrated.

At the sink, Ariel was dumping rinse water down her front and all over the chair and floor when she tried to drink it. It was not safe to be on the phone right now, and yet I could not get off until this card was canceled.

I put her down and she cried, devoid of the pleasure of splashing in water, and with a shirt that is soaked.

Finally the call was over, I managed to get the dishes washed, change Ariel, and find Oscar’s sandals so he could go outside.

Sometimes there are too many needs all at once and I feel as though I ought to be an octopus and have eight arms. And while we’re at it, maybe an extra brain or two so I can multitask better. How is your day going?

3 thoughts on “How My Morning Went

  1. I used to wish for 8 arms but an older mother wisely reminded me that God only gave us two for our own good. We’re often exhausted as it is.😊 How well I remember those moments of not reaching around…its different now. My octopus arms (children) can all help but I desperately need the two brains to organize with. Lol God did know what He was doing when He only gave me one.💖

  2. I’ll pray for you and your busy life. I always think that God will provide for the children whatever I cannot give. As the Creatir He is aware of all our limitations.

  3. Well, if it helps any, before too long you’ll be able to put the arms and legs of your children to good use and get alot done at one time…then you might feel a little like an octopus (= That’s where I’m at right now, although the extra brain would really come in handy most days! My mornings are often crazy too but in a different way…. making breakfast, packing lunches, starting laundry, combing hair, getting every one in the van with all the stuff they need for the day, driving to school…. being a mom takes lots of organizational skills! Blessings with your little ones, you’re doing a good job

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