
Covid-19 – My Thoughts

We stopped at Walmart for groceries earlier this week. As I hurried down the aisles (Andy had stayed in the van with the children) it felt almost eerie to see entire rows of shelves empty. The canned section was almost obsolete, and there were no paper products to be found in the entire store. People spoke in worried tones and I overheard someone say, “Can’t find anything!”

The prepper inside me wanted to buy large amounts of anything left, but I know that will only make the situation worse. We have what we need and will make do without things we want.

It seems there are basically three camps concerning the Coronavirus and the epidemic of panic circulating the country right now. First are the panickers, who are quarantining themselves and their families and stocking up on food and supplies in preparation for a long confinement.

Second are the scoffers who think it’s ridiculous, it’s just the flu, people are overreacting.

And third are the folks reacting to the reactors buying up all the toilet paper and are trying to prepare for economic crises.

It’s hard to know who to believe these days, with the media promoting fear and people we know freaking out. But I do believe Jesus, and I want to trust my life to him amidst the “National Crises” just as I do every other day in my life. Fear and panic never helped anyone make wise decisions or boosted an immune system, so I just wanted to encourage you all with this verse –

“For God hath not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.”

May God give you wisdom in making decisions during this time when it seems the whole country has gone crazy with fear.

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