Adventure / Alaska / Travel

On My Own In Alaska

After buying a skid loader in PA and later a truck and trailer to haul it with, we began throwing around ideas on how to get the whole rig up here. We talked about paying someone we know to drive it up, or driving it up as a family when we fly to Ohio for a wedding in February. But paying someone to drive it up, plus gas costs, gets expensive fast, and the thought of driving it up as a whole family in the middle of winter was just too scary. Temperatures often hit -50- -60* in the Yukon and traffic is minimal, so in case of a breakdown it wouldn’t take long to freeze! That idea just felt too risky with young children.

Andy had been hoping to go to the ten year reunion at Ohio Boys Camp, so we went ahead and bought him a one way ticket. The thought of him making that long drive all by himself scared me, so it was a big relief when Shelly Yoder, from our church, asked her younger brother if he wanted to come up with Andy for a visit. Tyler jumped at the chance, so now Andy not only has company, but also someone to share the driving with!

Andy left Alaska last Thursday and got the trailer all loaded up in PA before making the drive to Ohio for the reunion on Saturday. Sunday morning he and Tyler started the long drive to Alaska and they are currently somewhere in Canada. A four thousand mile trip is no small undertaking, particularly in the winter. They had a flat tire on Monday which took up a lot of time, but I’m hoping they can make it back by Friday or Saturday. We’d appreciate your prayers for Andy and Tyler’s safety the rest of the way up.

As for me, it’s been rather stretching to be on my own with all four children besides having snow removal, firewood, the generator, and chores on my plate. Thankfully the temps have warmed up to above zero degrees for the most part. I have a young girl here to help out for a couple days and that’s been huge. We are all really ready to see Andy again!!

Andy leaving PA with the whole rig
Four children four and under keeps me on my toes!

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