Daily Life

The Magic of Early Mornings

I read an article a couple months ago that gave me a much needed kick in the rear. It was talking about the benefits of getting an early start to the day and how that in turn affects the way the rest of the day goes.

Honestly over the summer we had gotten pretty sloppy about routines. It stayed light so long that it was hard to sleep when we did go to bed, so we’d end up pushing bedtime later and later with the unhappy result that it was really hard to get up in the morning. I’d end up dragging myself out of bed when the children woke me up and start the day feeling behind.

So since I read that article I got some motivation and started first of all going to bed earlier and then also getting up at 6, an hour before the children get up. Andy joined me, and let me tell you, it has been such a blessing! I have time to get dressed and sit down in front of the fire with my Bible before the day starts. Andy and I have time to talk by ourselves, and often I’ll get a good start on breakfast before any of the children even get up! It’s been really helpful to our family life, so I thought I’d write an article about it too. We all need a fire lit under us sometimes.

The irony is that for young moms who are up in the night it’s even more important to get up and spend some time with Jesus in the morning. I get irritable if I never have a break – or some space from the children throughout the day.


Tips to start your day well

  • Don’t deny your need of sleep. If you want to get up earlier, you also need to go to bed earlier. You can’t just decide to get up early and go for it on late nights with little sleep – you’ll quickly burn out.
  • Find something that motivates you to get up. Whether it’s the thought of a hot cup of coffee that gets you rolling out of bed, or watching the sunrise, or time with your spouse, the night before try to think of things you’re excited about getting up for. It definitely helps that first groggy decision be a smart one.
  • Resist the temptation to get busy right away. If you’re anything like me, there are always lots of little things that need done in a day and it’s a huge temptation for me to just come down the steps and get right to work. The problem is, then that precious pocket of quiet time before the littles are awake is quickly consumed in work. It usually doesn’t get me as far ahead as I think it will, and I’m always disappointed that I missed out on that quiet time with Andy.
This. This is what motivates me to get up in the morning – that cozy fire in the wood stove.

The last couple months I’ve gained a huge appreciation for early mornings. There’s something magical about getting up when the house is still quiet and spending time with God. We may not do very well at this once we have a newborn in the house, but after realizing what a blessing rising early is, it’s definitely something I want to work toward again after the baby comes.

And now quiet morning time is over and it’s time to wake the children. Actually they woke up a few minutes ago and are upstairs talking to each other in their beds. When we call them they’ll come pattering down the steps, “Good mornin’ Mommy!”

And so the day begins well.

Breakfast!!! Another excellent reason to get out of bed in the morning.

4 thoughts on “The Magic of Early Mornings

  1. Yes! Spot on, Tabitha! I’m discovering this recently myself.
    For anonymous, you could try leaving the light on in kiddos bedroom until you are ready to go to sleep. This might work better with our stage than yours, though.

  2. Hmmm, I can see how that would be discouraging. Maybe nap time is too long? My two year old sleeps from 8:30-6:30 no problem. They often all wake up before seven, but they are to stay in their beds until we get them up.

  3. With winter coming I decided to start putting the children to bed earlier, between 8:30 and 9. Now our 2 year old gets up every morning before 6:00. In fact, one morning he was up by 5:40! And he’s wide awake and wants to use the potty which wakes him up even more. Our 4 year old is also up by 6:15 or 6:30. I’m enjoying the additional couple time in the evenings but I’m not sure it’s worth the early rising of the children in the morning….

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