
Iced Coffee Concentrate

We have finally hit the time of year where cold drinks are in demand. Problem is, unless it takes almost zero time to make I simply don’t bother. That’s why I love this iced coffee concentrate my older sister gave me. Make a batch, stick it in the fridge and it takes two minutes to make a delicious iced latte! I usually use decaf coffee since I spend all my time these days either pregnant or nursing and have to watch my caffeine intake.


2 cups water

1 cup sugar

1/2 cup instant coffee (I use decaf)

2 teaspoons vanilla

Boil the water and add the other ingredients, whisking until everything is dissolved. Let mixture cool slightly and then put it in a jar or container in the refrigerator. Anytime you want an iced latte, put 1/4 cup concentrate into a 16 oz cup and fill to the top with ice and milk. If you want to get fancy, spray some whipped topping on top and add sprinkles or chocolate syrup.

This is a great recipe if you have a lot of milk that needs used up. Right now we are getting goats milk from our neighbors since they have too much. If we don’t get all the milk used within a couple days we all start drinking iced coffee or chocolate milk! Goat milk doesn’t keep as long as cow milk does and it feels so wasteful when it goes bad in the fridge.

If you have other easy and quick drink ideas for summer, leave them in the comments below! I’m always on the lookout for quick recipes.

1 thought on “Iced Coffee Concentrate

  1. Growing up we enjoyed using sour milk in Poorman’s Cakes. I’ll give the recipe below in two different sizes. Enjoy hearing from you all, Tabitha.
    Poorman’s Cakes (this 1/4 batch makes about 10)
    1 c flour
    1/4 tsp soda
    1 Tbsp sugar
    1/4 tsp salt (It seemed cutting the salt down made them taste pretty flat so I left the same amount of salt as a full batch.)

    Put enough thick milk with the mixture to make it easy to roll about 1/4 inch thick. Fry in deep lard until brown, not too fast.

    Poorman’s Cakes (this full batch makes approx 39-46)
    4 c flour
    1 tsp soda
    ¼ c sugar
    ¼ tsp salt

    Put enough thick milk with the mixture to make it easy to roll about 1/4 inch thick. Fry in deep lard until brown, not too fast.

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