
Long Visit, Short Tempers

I feel like I might need to apologize to a few people about the family get together we went to last Saturday. I didn’t say much for the first couple hours.

I wasn’t trying to be rude, or unsociable, I just felt emotionally exhausted and didn’t have the energy to make small talk and do much catching up with people. Small talk gets old after six weeks of it.

In my defense I did start to come out of my shell a bit in the afternoon, but until then all three children were starting to behave like Velcro; attaching themselves to either Andy or I and fussing or (wonder of wonders) begging to go take naps.

You know it’s getting bad when they start begging for naps/quiet time. Maybe other people’s children do that, but in our household “naptime” is a bad word.

I think our children are getting as peopled-out as we are and ready for the quiet of home. I find that we don’t thrive on a nomadic lifestyle. Kudos to those who pull it off!

We are all acting a little out of character these days. I find myself longing to do dishes in my own kitchen again, when usually it’s the chore I get tired of the quickest.

So if we see you between now and Friday when we fly back to Alaska (Hooray!!) please realize we are not trying to be weird or rude, we are simply tired of visiting. Humans are social creatures, but we can only take so much travel and interaction until we are just ready to be done with it and have some peace and quiet.

We made it safely back to Ohio last night after making three stops to visit people along the way. Next stop; Alaska!

4 thoughts on “Long Visit, Short Tempers

  1. I so get this ! Our family live 1,000 miles away . We do not visit everyone we know ! We start with closest family ,children and grandchildren ,parent . Beyond that it’s hit or miss . There’s no way we could keep up emotionally or physically otherwise .Grant it we can go oftener. I think you would fare better if you could have your own landing strip . Cabin / camper always at the same place ,a home away from home .. Grace Reiff

    1. Yes, I think it would be better to have a home away from home cabin or something so we could get away and have our own space sometimes.

  2. No need to apologize, Tabitha. I understand the need for some personal space. 🙂
    You’ve had some concentrated days with people.
    Have a wonderful flight home!
    Love you!

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