
My Favorite Way To Fix Salmon

We brought a 50 lb box of Salmon down to the lower 48 with us to give as gifts, and over and over people have asked how to fix it. I thought I’d share with you a super simple and yummy way to fix Salmon. It’s my go to recipe when I’m in a hurry to get supper on the table (which is pretty often!) because it’s so tasty and also very easy to clean up.

What you will need:

1 Salmon fillet

1-2 Tablespoons of Italian dressing



That’s it! Line a cookie sheet with foil and place the Salmon fillet skin side down. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle Italian dressing over it. Place under the broiler and broil approximately 10 minutes per inch of thickness. Salmon will flake with a fork when cooked through.

Serve with tarter sauce.

1 thought on “My Favorite Way To Fix Salmon

  1. Why thank you! We love salmon and this looks like something I’d like to try. I often drizzle a little butter or olive oil over it, salt and pepper it, and bake it at 400. But I’d love to try it this way.

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