
A Bedside Vigil For Mom

(On Monday, May 6, Chase and I flew out of Anchorage for Ohio. Mom had stopped eating and drinking and was declining fast. My prayer was to get there while she could still recognize me, and God was so good to answer that prayer, even with flight delays and traffic. We arrived Tuesday evening, and that initial meeting was the last time mom was cognizant.)

The oxygen pump sounds loud in the stillness. I sit by the bed and hold Mom’s hand. Others are here too, but the tone is quiet, subdued. Heaven is near.

Friends and family stop in from time to time and there are fresh tears as we grieve together. Mom was well loved. We try to sing songs for her, but our voices break. Dad made sure there are plenty of tissue boxes sitting around.

And so we wait, and watch, and thank God for all the memories we have with mom, even as we grapple with the things happening now – choosing something for her to wear to be buried in, swabbing her lips with water since she can no longer swallow, reading her the cards and messages friends have sent.

We talk to her often, hoping she can hear us and understand, even if there are no signs.

The house feels so strange without Mom moving around, talking, smiling. It is as though a light is gone, a presence snuffed out, even though she is hanging on. 

We hope it can be soon, the release of her spirit to meet Jesus. Her body is so frail now, just a vessel that is holding her back.

Her hand feels swollen, waxy, and unlike my mom’s hand. The end is near. We all gather around her, with tears and remembering and hugs to be with her in these final moments.

•Two hours after I wrote this, on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Mom went to be with Jesus. ♥️♥️

10 thoughts on “A Bedside Vigil For Mom

  1. So sorry for your loss. Thank God for the promise of heaven and for the promises of Him being close to the brokenhearted. Prayers for you and your family.

  2. So sorry for your incredible loss. Equally grateful for the precious, loving memories you have had with her.

  3. So sorry for the loss of your dear mother! But thankful that you could be there for her last days. That must have been so hard… praying for you during this loss. Safe in the arms of Jesus… what a wonderful place to be!

  4. Thank you for always sharing life as it really is — full of love, family, challenges and God’s loving grace and mercy. May HIS peace be with you all and may you feel the love of friends and family from afar as you all walk this path as well. Sending HUGS and love to you all.

  5. We love you Andy and Tabitha! May you feel God’s presence near! It hardly seems possible that it was 30 years ago that my dad died and 21 years since my mom passed on. There is something so bitter/sweet about a saint passing into the presence of Jesus. We don’t sorrow like those who have no hope. One day death will die! Praise Jesus!!!
    Dale Stoltzfus

  6. I too have walked this journey. It will be 15 years this fall since my Mom went to be with Jesus. Sending you a hug and a prayer. I know the gladness that her journey is done and the goal is reached, and the welling sadness that I’ll never hear her voice again.

  7. Prayers for you all on this grieving journey! Enjoy the memories!
    Dan and Edie Kemp from Iowa

  8. I’m so sorry for your loss, Tabitha! May you feel God very near, holding you close.

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