
Life in Ohio

Well, here we are in warm, sunny Ohio! The trip to get here was long, with one flight getting canceled and spending 5 extra hours in the airport before our new flight, but we made it here in a little under 29 hours of travel and were happy to sleep hard and long in the house our family had gotten ready for us to stay in.

Speaking of our house, we are able to stay at an unused staff house belonging to the Boys Camp some of my family still works at. It has been so nice to have our own space as we continue to try to get some school done and have somewhat of a routine in between visiting with family.

We’ve been here almost a month now, spending as much time as we can with family in between the normal daily life things that need to happen wherever we live, like school, and laundry and food.

Since we are planning to drive back to Alaska, we have spent some time the past few weeks looking at motor homes in the area, and a couple of days ago we finally brought one back to start getting ready for the trip home! Our current plan is to head back in late March, visiting with some folks we know along the way.

Our time here has been so good, but also difficult sometimes as we navigate a new house and community and routine along with spending time with Mom when she feels up to it.

Mom continues to have ups and downs, and walking this journey is bittersweet. I’m so glad we can be here with her and Dad, even as we miss home and look forward to going back.

I guess you could say that our word for the year is ‘rollercoaster.’ 😅

2 thoughts on “Life in Ohio

  1. Lord, help this sweet family through this time. I ask that You help them see Your love, live in your strength and let Your love flow through them. Bless this time, prepare them for what is to come, and thank You that Your grace is always sufficient.
    In Jesus name, amen.

    Grace, mercy ane peace be with you.


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