They say that having children will hold you back from your dreams.
They say children only tie you down, and caring for them is a repetitious drudgery.
They say you will not be able to have any fun if you are a parent.
They say children are a nuisance.
They are wrong.
I’ve learned that you can still have all kinds of adventures after having children.
I’ve learned that children are a delight and a blessing, their souls more precious than gold.
I’ve learned that having children has added greatly to the person I am becoming.
I’ve learned you can often have more fun together than you can alone.
And whenever we go on adventures as a couple we spend a lot of time exclaiming about how much fun the children would be having if they were along and how we need to bring them along next time.
This was delightful to read, coming from you as a mother of young children. 🙂
Great perspective!
Yes! Amen!