
God Comes to Women

I heard this story at the seminar I attended the beginning of February and it spoke to me so much that I asked the speaker if I could screenshot her notes. Source unknown.

‘Have you ever noticed how in the scriptures men are always going up into the mountains to commune with God? Yet we hardly ever hear of a woman going into the mountain, and we know why, right?

The women are too busy keeping life going. They can’t abandon babies, meals, fires, gardens, and a thousand other responsibilities to make the climb into the mountains.

I was complaining about this to my friend, saying that even as a modern woman, I feel as though I am never free enough from my responsibilities, never quiet enough or in a holy enough place to have the communion I want with God.

Her response floored me.

“That is why God comes to women. Men have to climb the mountain to meet God, but God meets women where ever they are.”

I have been pondering her words and have searched the scriptures to see if what she said is true. God does indeed come to women where they are, when they are doing their ordinary everyday work.

He meets them at the wells where they draw water for their families. He comes to them in their homes, as they care for the elderly, or perform necessary mourning and burial rites.

Even the women at the empty tomb, who were the first to witness Christ’s resurrection, were only there because they were doing the womanly chore of preparing Christ’s body for burial. In this seemingly mundane and ordinary task, these women found themselves face to face with divinity.

So if, like me, you ever bemoan the fact that you can’t spend as much time in the mountains as you would like, remember this – God comes to women. He knows where we are and the burdens we carry. He sees us, and if we open our eyes and hearts, we will see Him. Even in the most ordinary places and the most ordinary things.’

In this season of raising little ones I feel this struggle almost every day. Life is rarely peaceful enough, unhurried enough to have the meaningful devotions I wish for. So the thought of opening my eyes to see Jesus in the everyday moments is so beautiful.

11 thoughts on “God Comes to Women

  1. It’s so interesting you wrote this because the other day my husband said “I really need to get into the woods to spend time with God. It’s just not the same when I’m working every day.” He finds it so important to head into the wilderness by himself a few times a year to refresh his soul.

    I, on the other hand, feel refreshed by reading a daily psalm while nursing my baby. God does meet us where we are!

    1. I love this! Andy often takes walks in the morning to talk to God, whereas I enjoy listening to worship music while I wash the breakfast dishes. It’s not true for everyone, but it is a neat thought.

  2. Maybe you’ve heard of Brother Lawrence. He was a monk and worked in the monastery kitchen. Here is his prayer, which I love. He has a book called, Practicing the Presence of God.

    Lord of all pots and pans and things,
    since I’ve no time to be a great saint
    by doing lovely things,
    or watching late with Thee,
    or dreaming in the dawnlight,
    or storming heaven’s gates,
    make me a saint by getting meals,
    and washing up the plates.
    Warm all the kitchen with Thy Love,
    and light it with Thy peace;
    forgive me all my worrying,
    and make my grumbling cease.
    Thou who didst love to give men food,
    in room, or by the sea,
    accept the service that I do,
    I do it unto Thee.


  3. Wow!! This hit me. Thank you so much sharing. I have been quite discouraged in my walk of motherhood lately. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. Be encouraged Tabitha! I so agree with this. You are a great , godly woman, taking your responsibility seriously. Enjoy the treasures of each day. Don’t feel guilty about the time you have to have devotions. I believe we should read our Bibles, pray,but most times it happens way different than we think.

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