“Life will get easier when the baby sleeps through the night.”
“I can’t wait until we don’t have to buckle little people into car seats anymore.”
“Once we’re out of the diaper stage – THEN I’ll pick up that old hobby.”
“After my youngest graduates and I’m done homeschooling, then I’ll have time for friendships.”
“If only I wasn’t so uncomfortably pregnant I could invest in my marriage.”
We can tell ourselves many things – many reasons we can’t live a fulfilling life now.
But the truth is, there will always be hard things in life. Once the babies grow up, there will be homeschooling or sending them off to school without losing our relationship with them.
After that comes puberty, and when that is finally past, we’ll be coaching them through relationships and what to look for in a life partner. And if we thought life would get easier once everyone is gone, think again! We’ll be dealing with the loneliness of a quiet house, and the struggle of slowing down with age.
There are always hard things. Embrace the seasons, and live each one to the fullest. New challenges are a sign of growth.

So true Tabitha! I have four kiddos ranging in age from 4-10…. I kept saying each stage would get easier, and some things really did, like all kids are fully potty trained, can dress themselves to go play in the snow and buckle themselves in, but the changes that come with the increase of ages and the harder challenges in homeschooling are just different. Each year I keep asking the Lord to help me to slow down and enjoy each season because it really does fly by so quickly.
Love that picture! I’m in a similar stage.
Yes, I suppose every stage of life including parenting comes with it’s own unique joys and challenges. My goal is to not only survive the pregnancy/baby/ preschool stage but also to thrive in it and not look back and regret that I didn’t enjoy these stages more 😁