
Peer Pressure

I often hear peer pressure talked about in the context of teenagers being influenced by the young people around them, but the fact is, we are all susceptible to peer pressure, no matter what our age.

We are constantly being formed by the people around us. The ones we listen to, and watch, and subconsciously soak in their attitude and feelings about life. The people in our life are affecting us, either for good or bad.

Evaluating the voices who are speaking into our lives is so important. Are they encouraging us? Drawing us to God? Helping us reach our goals?

Or are they telling us that children are a burden, God is a tyrant, and love is something you fall in and out of – over and over again?

Those voices affect us more than we realize, so take a look around. Which direction is your peer pressure pushing you?

5 thoughts on “Peer Pressure

  1. Very good and so true! And its especially challenging when you know you are one who is easily influenced. But how beautiful (and challenging) that we can also influence our loved ones for good!

  2. And as a single young lady I thought that once married peer pressure should not be an issue anymore! How little I knew!
    Thanks for pointing out that peer pressure can be positive. As a wife I believe God’s Word, reguarding my role, as His will for me (bear children, guide the house, live in subjection to my husband…) I have many friends who also believe
    and practice this. You wrote of having friends speak into our lives… tables turned , how much should I ,as a friend , speak into the lives of my friends who seemingly “ pick and choose “ which traits (some of the above traits that I mentioned above ) they will implement in their lives?♥️

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