Alaska / Inspirational

Why Did God Bring Us To Alaska?

When we moved up here to Anchor Point, Alaska, Andy remembers asking God, “What is your will for us here? Why are we here?”

And he felt as though God told him that he was to be a glue in the community to point our neighbors to Christ.

We have really seen that happen in the three years we’ve lived here. We have many neighbors, and several of them do not get along with each other, but they all get along well with Andy, and he is the guy they turn to and count on when they need help with something.

Our neighbors right across the road have Covid19, and so Andy has stepped in to do their mail route job full time, and lately, when Kevin had to be transported to the hospital, he’s been feeding their sheep, pigs, and chickens, too. 

Last night another neighbor stopped in to ask if Andy could check on their place while they were gone for a couple days.

So this morning, Andy fed our dogs, 100 meat chickens, the laying poults and goat before heading across the road to feed Kevin’s animals and then go a mile further to check on the other neighbor’s place, all before leaving at 7:20 for the mail route.

Most evenings we spend hauling drinking water, because all those animals drink around 30 gallons of water per day, and our well water is un-drinkable.

Honestly, we’ve been feeling rather maxed out and stretched thin lately. We had a lot of plans for our homestead this spring, but here we are, barely able to keep up with two jobs and all the animals.

Growing up, I always thought that when you are living in God’s will, life is just wonderful and you feel at peace all the time. I’m learning now that although we feel like we’re living in God’s will, and doing exactly what he has called us to be in this community, it isn’t always easy, and can be downright overwhelming at times.

God never promised easy, only that He would be with us, and we have been feeling His presence and the certainty that reaching our neighbors is why we were called to Alaska.

Filling up water jugs at the spring

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