Children / Daily Life / How-to

Seven Ways I Simplify Sunday Mornings

We leave for church at 8:30 on Sunday morning. There is always food to take for the fellowship meal afterward, as well as four little children to get dressed and combed and out the door. More recently we have animal chores that need done before we leave and the greenhouse and hoop beds to open to the fresh air.

It’s so easy for Sunday morning to get stressful and chaotic and a little bit desperate, until finally we all pile out the door and leave for church in a decidedly grumpy state of mind. 

It’s been a while in coming, but I’ve finally nailed down the things that make life stressful when getting ready for church, and I’ve begun to develop solutions. 

If you struggle to keep it together Sunday mornings like me, this list may be helpful.

  1. Always lay out church clothes the night before. Gabe and Jasmine can get themselves dressed, so it really makes it easy Sunday morning because they just grab their clothes off the changing table where I lay them out the night before, and head to the bathroom to get ready.
  2. Don’t try to make a hot breakfast. Some say you should eat a protein filled breakfast Sunday morning so your children aren’t hungry in church. For years I kept trying to make a nice big hot breakfast, but along with everything else that needed done before we got out the door, a hot breakfast was too much. We either have baked oatmeal (made the day before and reheated), or granola and milk. For protein we eat yogurt if we have it on hand. And we always have a snack on the way to church to cut down on hunger during the service.
  3. Get up early. I’ve stopped expecting Sunday morning to be a relaxing, sleep in morning. If we’re going to get to church without being stressed out, I have to get up at least an hour and a half before it’s time to go.
  4. Write a to-do list the day before of everything that needs done before you leave in the morning. I always do this. It’s like dumping my mind onto paper. Then I don’t have to worry about forgetting something, and yet every little task is there to check off one by one the next morning.
  5. Have a designated area for things ready to go. For us it’s the countertop. Sometimes Saturday evening I’ll go ahead and put the Bibles and my diaper bag on the countertop, and then the next morning I’ll add the casserole, dessert, church utensils that I brought home to wash, a bib for Oscar, etc there on the counter. That way, if Andy has time to carry stuff out to the van there are no questions about what needs taken out.
  6. Get your children to help. Our oldest is five, but it’s amazing how much the children can help with. They can help each other find jackets and shoes and put them on, carry their own water bottles out to the van, and Gabe and Jasmine can buckle themselves in. This is huge at our stage to only have two to buckle!
  7. Aim to leave early for church. Technically we wouldn’t have to leave until 9 am instead of 8:30. But with an hour drive, and a few stops to get drinking water, or for bathroom breaks, it never hurts to plan a little extra time. We are usually early getting to church, but that just gives us a little more time to make sure everyone uses the outhouse before church and to get the food squared away in the church kitchen. Plus, if we take a little longer getting out the door, we don’t have to worry about being late.

What are your hacks for making Sunday morning less stressful?

I always try to snap a few pictures on Sundays because we’re all dressed nicely anyway!

4 thoughts on “Seven Ways I Simplify Sunday Mornings

  1. I love this. As a single woman living on her own for the summer, having this kind of schedule helped me during my first Sunday alone. I got up early, listened to worship music and just relaxed while I got ready. I’m sure it’s a lot more chaotic as a mom- and God bless you for it!- but I’m grateful I can start establishing some kind of routine on the Holy Sabbath Day before I’m gifted with children. Thank you!

  2. This was one post I was thinking you should write:) 3 & 7 are the ones I need to work on most. I am learning to be on with Sunday not being so much a day of rest for moms! One thing that works for us is if I ask hubby to take care of breakfast.

  3. Sounds like you have a workable plan. One thing that I was big on was loading as much as I could in the vehicle the night before, such as Bibles & SS books, and things to return to others, church library books, etc. Some times of year, I could put my diaper bag in, too, but when it’s below freezing, that might affect some things like lotion, etc in your diaper bag.
    Betty Joy

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