Children / Motherhood

8 Things I Didn’t Know About Parenthood

It is that wonderful time of early morning when the children are all still sleeping, Andy has left for work, and I’m sitting here finishing my coffee enjoying the quiet.

I’ve been thinking lately about how much my life has changed in the last four years. Four years ago it was just Andy and I making a new life together as newlyweds.

I thought I was pretty informed about parenthood as a teenager. I babysat, and had younger siblings, and being a mom shouldn’t really be THAT hard, right? But there’s no amount of learning that can make up for good old hands on experience. I’m still surprised at things that happen day to day in caring for three little people.

1. I never knew how exhausting it is to hold a conversation with a four year old. He asks questions that don’t really have answers and then when I do figure out something to answer he asks, “Why mom?”

2. I never realized that when we all get colds it means I’ll be wearing snot on my clothes for the next two weeks until everyone gets better.

3. I never realized how many things I’d have to wipe in a day. Bottoms. Hands. Noses. Faces. Feet. More bottoms.

4. I never thought I’d be that mom who is on the phone all the time, but now I find myself thinking longingly of calling a friend just so I can talk to an adult!

5. I never knew how long it would take to leave the house. Sure I’d heard parents talk about it, but now that it’s reality I have a whole new perspective. First everyone has to go potty. Then we have to wipe dirty faces. Then the older two each pick a book to read on the way, and since we are usually driving an hour or more every time we get in the vehicle I’d better not forget the diapers or snacks. Gabe can buckle himself (hallelujah!) and he sloooooowly works on that, talking the whole time of course, while I get the other two in. We are all ready to head out the lane when I remember to get water. Must have those water bottles along! Anyway, you get the picture. We usually plan about ten extra minutes for getting out the door and buckled in.

6. I never knew I’d be so much like my mom! I used to hate it when she would lick her thumb and use it to wipe something off my face. Gross! But I did it myself the other day. I also say the same phrases, like “Keep your self to yourself.” And “You may each have your age (of crackers, raisins, etc)”

7. I never knew how quickly attitudes change and how often they do so in the course of the day. One minute Jasmine is fussing, then she looks at me and says in a cheerful voice, “I happy now!” Then she goes and gives Oscar butterfly kisses, but two minutes later she notices Gabe playing with her doll and throws a fit.

8. I always thought that when my children were sleeping I would sleep too. What I didn’t realize is that a feeling of euphoria sweeps over you the minute those last little eyes are closed. Suddenly I don’t feel tired! I could read a book! Or weed in the garden! Or get a bunch of housework done! At that point sleep is only one of the many options and not too high on the list at that.

Each day is made up of so many little moments. The frustrating moments, but also the sweet ones. My goal is to make each day have more good memories than bad ones for the children. Yesterday I pulled out the vacuum and it was instantly a party. I chased Gabe and Jasmine with it and Oscar watched us and laughed. Then when I was done they took turns pushing the vacuum after each other. It was so cute the way they were all doing belly laughs and I managed to catch some of it on video before the moment was over.

Worth it. Parenting is totally worth it. I can’t imagine life without any of my little people, no matter how much work they are.


4 thoughts on “8 Things I Didn’t Know About Parenthood

  1. Oh, Tabitha, I love your honesty and writing style!
    Blessings as you and Andy raise this little brood!

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