
A Milestone Reached

It has been two years since I started my blog. Wow, time flies! Two years ago we still lived in PA and were gearing up for our move to Alaska. Gabe was two years old and Jasmine was only three months. In more ways than one …we’ve come a long way.

I originally started my blog to catalogue our move and the adventure of a new area and building our cabin. It has been a great way to continue my writing hobby on a small scale as well as keep extended family and friends informed about what’s happening in our lives without keeping track of a mailing list or having to stuff and stamp envelopes.

But the moving/adjusting stage is pretty much over. Alaska has become home and we feel settled here.

So my question now for you as readers is “Where should I go from here?” I plan to keep writing the blog, but I’d like to go forward with your input as far as content. What types of blog posts do you enjoy? Do you like hearing about our everyday lives, or would you rather see more recipes or how-to’s? Do you like marriage/child training/motherhood articles? Organization ideas? Posts talking about the ways Alaska is different from the rest of the world? Or just a jumble of everything all mixed together?

Please leave some feedback in the comments below or email me at 1994godsprincess@gmail.com

I can’t wait to hear your ideas!


9 thoughts on “A Milestone Reached

  1. Hi Tabitha! I like a little of everything (which would satisfy more people) but I especially like Alaska-related observations: the animals you see, what’s growing, what you’re trying to grow, how the Alaskans do things, etc. Thanks for taking the time to write it!

  2. I just like reading your blogs…..doesn’t matter what the subject is. One of the best things I like is your forthrightness and sincerity.
    Sarah Kauffman

  3. Our family always enjoys whatever you send, especially stories about family life, happenings in exotic Alaska, etc. Keep in up

  4. Anything and everything! 🙂 Love all that you write- especially the recipes (Cause I love trying new recipes). Keep up the great work, and congrats on making it too two years!! Hope you can keep it up for another 50! 😉 Thanks for sharing with us.

  5. I like everything you write except anything cooking. 😏 and that’s only because I don’t care much for cooking or trying new recipes . I especially like to hear your adventures into the bush and just how you survive in Alaska because it’s so different from here !

  6. I think a mixture of “life with Andy & Tabitha & kiddos” is great! The things you mentioned are a part of that so I’d say whatever you feel like writing about is good. ( :

  7. Everyday life is fuel for my fire; it’s where we all live! And a jumble of everything is great. I love staying up-to-date, more or less, with you guys. Now, how can I convince more folks to do the same? Course, I guess others could say the same about me. =)

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