Alaska / House

All Good Things To Those Who Wait…

This is a phrase my sisters and I would tell each other teasingly when one of us wanted something RIGHT NOW. That, and “Patience is a virtue that must be learned.”

It was always annoying to be the one thus admonished and yet I’m finding the truth of those statements as an adult. In a culture that promotes a “Gimme what I want and gimme it right now” attitude, it’s easy for that to creep into my own attitude as well.

It’s been over a year since we moved into our unfinished cabin here in Alaska and since then there hasn’t been much forward progress. There were hospital bills to pay, and taxes, and tickets for a trip to visit family, and more taxes. And honestly the whole year I did a roller coaster ride of struggling to be patient, to adjust my attitude and be content – to count my blessings rather than focus on what I didn’t have.

Many times, with God’s grace, I was ok with our circumstances and able to trust fully in God’s timing. Other times I pushed for change and tried to force my own timeline, causing stress, frustration, and discontent in our home.

This year of living in an unfinished house has been a growing process for me, and I’m honestly thankful for that.

Now that we’re on the other side, I’m also thankful to move forward as well! Andy has been working on the house while we are house sitting at Matt’s and it has been so exciting to see the differences and to pore over the pictures he brings back every evening of the progress he’s made that day.

We move home tomorrow to construction dust and the house a wreck, but I’m excited about it! We have walls now, not just insulation! We have a floor instead of plywood!

In everything God has been so good. He knew I needed the refinement of not getting what I wanted right away. It sure makes me appreciate the little details more than ever. I even get kitchen cupboards soon! And if I had had them from the beginning I probably wouldn’t even be thankful for them now, much less thrilled!

Patience is a virtue that must be learned.

And contentment is vital for joy.

We have a floor!!!!! I think I’m the most excited about this part of the construction. I’ll be able to mop now!

3 thoughts on “All Good Things To Those Who Wait…

  1. I’m excited for you. Such nice light sandy-colored walls and floors will help to keep things more bright & cheery during long dark winter days, but be practical enough not to show the dirt too much either. Rejoicing with you!

    Betty Joy

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