Alaska / Daily Life

Buried By Snow

We planned to go to town on Tuesday morning but woke up to a world clothed in white. We got almost ten inches of snow overnight! It clung to the trees and transformed our yard into a winter wonderland.

Our van is not four wheel drive (Our next vehicle will be!) so Andy began shoveling out the lane. I joined him while Oscar napped and it went a little faster for about twenty minutes until the children were cold and I took them back in.

I never thought we had a very long lane until I saw Andy shoveling it. Bless his heart! He’s a little sore today, but still out there shoveling because we’ve got a couple more inches this morning and it’s still coming down!

Thanks to Andy we were able to go to town after all in the afternoon yesterday.

What’s the weather like at your house? Leave a comment below!

Trees beside the lane

9 thoughts on “Buried By Snow

  1. Thank you all for your comments! It’s so interesting to hear what the weather is like in other parts of the world. Sounds cold! And a strong wind always makes it feel colder than it actually is.

  2. It is -38 C here in Dryden, ON. The sun is shining so cheerily but it is bitterly cold. We have accumulated about 2 feet of snow over the winter. I am enjoying hearing about you all and your adventures in Alaska!

  3. Clear overnight, so it’s ten below and windy here; feels pretty bitter, and with an unheated upstairs, makes for a cold nose overnight! Yes, many inches of snow turns even the ugliest landscape (and yours is not ugly by any stretch) into beautiful!

  4. Well for the record we had 2 below this morning and it never got warmer then about 14° above today ! Snowing at the moment but just a shower . We look forward to a high of 59 this wkend !

  5. We had snow yesterday, too, and now the temperatures are to drop below 0* tonight and there are strong winds so it is blowing around a lot.

    Betty Joy

  6. A lane seems SO much longer when it has to be shoveled!
    Tonight we are supposed to have -2 degrees. The strong wind makes it seem very cold. We had a few inches of snow yesterday which the wind is blowing around. Glad it wasn’t more snow!
    Stay warm!

  7. Here in NY we had 2 feet of snow weekend before last. Most of that has either blown into drifts or completely away. As of today its 1.9* with 25 mph winds and a real feel of -23* 😱 Im glad i dont need to go out in it!

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