
Neither Here Nor There

I have been feeling pretty scattered lately. Pulled in many different directions. There are the children to take care of, the phone job that keeps me hopping, and then getting ready to move to Alaska in just a little over a week. I had no idea what all goes into moving out of the area! We have to close out our bank account, get rid of our landline phone, make sure our bills around here are all paid up before we leave, as well as all the dinner invitations and family get-togethers – people wanting to get together one last time before we move so far away. We decided not to turn down any invitations to hang out with people, but it does stretch us a little thin with all the late nights and going away.
Andy is busy trying to help his dad get at least some of the spring planting done before we head out, but the weather has been rather uncooperative, and it just rains and rains. The trailer is all filled up with stuff – mostly canned goods – we had no idea we had so much! So now we are looking for someone to drive our van up the Alcan highway for us. Twice we thought we had someone lined up only to have them back out, so now it’s getting down to the wire and I’m trying not to worry.
We are also in the middle of finding good homes for all our eleven labradoodle puppies before we go. We still have seven left, but two people are coming tonight to look at them, so hopefully they will want a couple of puppies. The pups are super cute right now – seven weeks old and adorable! We brought one into the house and it follows us around with its tail wagging furiously.  It is hard to keep from tripping on it though. In the words of Andy – “It’s a shoe that moves!” Gabe just loves playing with him, so that’s a definite bonus on these rainy days when we are stuck inside.
To top everything off, we all got sick. Colds with headache and fever. I’m glad it happened now instead of next week when we are trying to leave!
So that is our last week in a nutshell. Feels like we aren’t really HERE anymore with our thoughts going more and more to Alaska, but yet we aren’t THERE yet either. It’s a pretty conflicting feeling. It’s hard to leave the people we love here, and yet we can barely wait to go see Alaska again, explore our property and get started on our cabin! Come quickly leaving date! And just hope that we have everything done by then!

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