My world has been sound-proofed. A thick blanket of snow covers the ground, the trees, the vehicles, and whatever random item were left in the yard. We’ll rediscover them come spring, but for now the world is white and magical and sounds are muffled and distant as though we are living in a snow globe.
Life slows with the awareness that only important things must be done – paths shoveled, animals fed, the stove stocked with wood and warm food for hungry bellies.
The children play outside for hours and come in excited about a cave they dug, or a path they discovered, or how they slid down the snow banks on their rumps.
It’s the time of year for hot cocoa with marshmallows, and lots of reading or listening to audio books by the fire.
The days are short, but brilliant with intense sun, and the house is cozy in the long evenings for games or music.
Winter in Alaska is a beautiful time to be alive!

The beauty of winter in Alaska truly is a special time — like when the snow crunches under your feet and everything sparkles in the brightness of a full moon. You definitely reminded me of some of the other characteristics of winter.
Looks beautiful! I’d love to be there for about a week!