House / Living Small

The Most Important Part of a Homestead Is…

Drumroll please…

A pantry.

Think about it. What good does it do you to grow your own food and harvest it, to go to the wild and get meat and can it if you don’t have a place to store it?

The bounty from our garden and also from salmon has been really adding up the last while and we’ve had boxes of jars stacked high in every available corner including behind the stove. But as the temps get cooler and we like to start a fire in the morning to take off the chill we quickly realized that canned goods will not keep well if stored right by the hot stove.

So Andy has been working on the pantry this last week whenever he gets a chance. And what fun it has been to put all the jars on the shelves and be able to see everything and access it! When the jars were all stacked up in boxes I couldn’t see what I had much less get to it. Having a pantry is amazing!!

We are still waiting on hardware for sliding barn style doors, but meanwhile I enjoy seeing the beauty of the different colored jars on the shelves. Plus our pantry has room for bulk flour, sugar, oats, etc that we keep stored in buckets below the bottom shelf. I’m loving the storage and easy access to all our food!

The shelves are seven jars deep so they hold a lot of canned goods!!

3 thoughts on “The Most Important Part of a Homestead Is…

  1. Wonderful! You’ll wonder how you ever did without it. What a creative way to use up the awkward space under the steps and so close to your kitchen to be handy, too.
    By the way, thanks for suggesting Hatcher’s Pass to us. We drove by there on our way down from Denali Park on Tues and were awed by the landscape. That far into the trip, we were realizing that costs were adding up, so it was good to do something that was for “free”. We also saw the sign for Dreamers, so stopped in there and got a tour where Elaine used to work. We had no idea that it was along that road.
    Betty Joy

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