Often Andy and I think on completely different wavelengths and we tend to to see life from those different points of view. This can make for some hilarious misunderstandings and conversations.
Lately Andy has been researching Hooligan fishing. Where you can go to fish, how to preserve them, etc. About three hours from here you can use a dipnet if you are an Alaskan resident and scoop up fish ten to twenty at a time. Hooligan are not big, but they are numerous and are very oily. You can ferment the oil and get something similar to cod liver oil.
So yes, Andy has been engrossed in fish and fishing lately and can hardly wait until next May.
As for me, the more the baby kicks and punches inside, the more I think about it. I have been quite wrapped up in this new little life and often start talking about it out of the blue.
Here is a conversation we had recently.
Andy – “I can’t wait to go Hooligan fishing next summer! I can’t stop thinking about it!”
Me – “The baby will only be a couple months old by then. Hope I can get out there too.”
Andy – “Oh wow, Gabe is going to have so much fun with that!”
Me – (assuming he was talking about Gabe enjoying the baby) “Definitely! Now that he’s older he’ll understand what’s going on more and actually enjoy holding it.”
Andy – (still thinking about fishing, and assuming I meant Gabe holding the net) “He sure will! I can’t wait to see his face when he pulls up a net full of fish!”
At this point we both realized that we were talking about Gabe from two different perspectives and had a good laugh.
We do think about very different things and our interests are not the same. I am trying to learn more about hooligan fishing and Andy is getting more excited about the baby – especially since we got an Ultrasound on Saturday and he could see it kicking and yawning.
One thing is for sure. I’m glad we aren’t all alike. Life would be so boring  if we all thought about the same things. It would just be one rut after the next!
P.S. The baby has Andy’s nose. See, I still can’t stop thinking about it!
Really enjoyed your entry! The diff between men and women makes for interesting moments in any marriage!