The sermon on Sunday was on Prayer. It really struck me how the visiting preacher said we often use prayer like a first aid kit. We only cry out to God when something goes wrong.
I know that is often true in my own life. What a waste that is! Prayer is such a powerful thing. We have the ear of God himself when we pray!
The preacher challenged us to think back over the week and find the average amount of time we spent in prayer each day.
So this week I was determined to do better, but yesterday evening, Monday, I realized the day was almost gone without praying for our neighbors, church people, or the world in general.
After the supper dishes were done, I saw Andy and Gabe sitting out in the yard (dirt) on a large rock.
I went to join them and together we looked out over our place where Andy had been busily clearing trees all day.
Then Gabe wanted to sing. So we sang his favorite children’s songs.
“Pray!” He begged then. “Daddy pray! Mommy pray!”
So we all prayed, and he bowed his little head and mumbled non-words under his breath.
I felt so humbled. God was using my toddler who can’t even talk much to remind me to pray.
What a challenge.