The last people who had our place completely trashed it. There is junk everywhere and random piles of brush, rotting out vehicles etc. It’s a mess!
It takes a lot of work to clean up a place like this, but there are a few things that make it worth it.
1. Location/Potential
We are located two miles from the ocean with a gorgeous view of the volcanoes across the inlet. Once we get the place cleaned up, it has some real potential to be a beautiful spot for a cabin and homestead! We also have a creek as well as a small pond, and the soil looks good for growing a garden. All huge pluses!
2. Price
We got our 18 acres dirt cheap. Sure, there is a lot of work involved to make it nice, but right now we have more time than we have money, so it works out. 🙂
3. It’s Ours
There is a lot to be said for owning something. It makes the flaws not seem so big and the work seem like fun. It’s our own land! We can do what we want with it! Build what we want! Plant what we want! It’s a heady feeling.
We’ve been hitting the trash hard, cleaning and gutting the house in just 24 hours! We have also been working on cleaning out the shed that is here, and unloading our trailer into it. Plus there is all the trash heaps around, and we have been cleaning those up and hauling it to the landfill. Below are some before and after pictures of the house. The house itself is not very nice, but the materials are still good, so our plan at this point is to tear it down, and use the materials to build a cabin!
If you are willing to tell me where is the closest village to your house and/or what are your basic coordinates. I love maps and like to look places up on them to see where people are.
I don’t have an email so you will just have to reply to my comment.
A young man
Sure are enjoying these blogs, Tabitha. I think they will make a great book someday. Better days ahead!!
Uncle Doug and Aunt Leona
Sure are enjoying these blogs, Tabitha. I think they will make a great book someday. Better days ahead!!
Uncle Doug and Aunt Leona
Thanks Janelle! It's good to hear from you, and I'm glad you are enjoying hearing about our adventures here!
You did a big move yourself not too long ago!
Hi! Ever since I heard that y'all were moving to Alaska, I had hopes that you'd start a blog so the rest of us can follow your adventures! Julie told me about your blog last night and I've read it all already! 🙂
I'm Andy's 2nd cousin and my husband is Jim and Joy's son.
My hats off to you for doing all this with a fussy baby…I know all about that!
Thanks Rose! It's so encouraging to get comments! It makes blogging worthwhile (even when we are so busy) to know people read and enjoy the posts!
Wow how fast you have moved!
Finally able to read your blog! Our internet was down for a few days and I finally took the time to call those annoying service people to get it fixed. Thanks for taking the time to tell us of your adventures! What an amazing difference elbow grease did on your little shack! Have fun as you continue to settle in! Rose