
In Which Things Begin To Get Hairy

The down side of having a dog along, particularly an Alaskan malamute who has long hair and sheds profusely, is that after a while EVERYTHING has hair on it. I am constantly picking hair off everyone. 
The amazing thing about lego’s is that they cleaned all the dog hair up from the floor by their static electricity. The only problem is that now the lego’s are covered in dog hair. 
It’s no use doing anything about it now, but when we get to our place, I plan to vacuum everything off thoroughly.
Also somewhat disturbing is the fact that we have not showered in days. Suffice it to say, it is TIME for showers.
We are now past Saskatoon, still headed north and west. We hope to get to the Alaskan Highway in Dawson Creek, BC sometime tonight.
The night was much more restful without the puppies in here, although Jasmine was awake several times. 
We are all trying to adjust to all the extra light these days. It got light at 4:30 this morning, and Gabe was up an hour later. Hopefully our children will soon learn how to sleep even when it is light out!
I am super thankful that the puppy job is slow right now. I have an international phone, so I do have service here in Canada, but it is hard to hear people calling in simply because it is so LOUD in here when we are driving.

Andy has done all the driving so far. He thinks it would be cool to be able to say he drove the whole way to Alaska, and I’m not about to get in the way of that. Driving a motor home with a 24 foot trailer attached is not exactly within my comfort zone anyway.

4 thoughts on “In Which Things Begin To Get Hairy

  1. Such a relief that the dogs are no longer in the house with you! That would have driven me crazy!!! Glad the border crossing went well and no other major obstacles have presented themselves. Take care! Judith

  2. These are great posts Tabitha. Makes me miss you guys. And wow the adventures.;) So glad you found a solution for the puppies. And I say, yup, let Andy do the driving and reach his driving to Alaska goal. You've got plenty to do keeping everything and everyone else under control. April

  3. Enjoyed your post keep em coming . It seems to me that dog hair multiplies by itself not even all coming off the dog.

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